How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Maybe you've heard that question. Have you given it any thought? One? One thousand?...
You: common/uncommon; becoming/grace
One thing I read this weekend: Aaron Copland said, “At no point can you seize the musical experience and hold it. … a single musical...
Another week of reflection. I've had many moments, days and weeks of reflection this summer. To reflect is -- to turn away, deflect to...
Walk a mile...and judge softly, lest you be judged
A revision of a post from last June: In 1895, a Michigan poet, preacher, suffragist, and temperance reformer named Mary T. Lathrap wrote...
Choose a gentler approach
Where do you get your news? If your news resource is internet-based, as opposed to radio, print or traditional television( and even...
Live with all your heart
I have just completed my annual week at camp. We did not have camp last summer, because 2020. That included all of us at camp -- kids,...
...and let kindness be your prayer
I heard a DJ on the radio say about her program, “This is who we are here. This is our message, our vibe, our reason for being, our...
Live lightly
Live lightly. By which I mean, listen more and talk less. Eat healthy foods and cut back on junk. Walk more, outside if you can. If you...
Cherish your moments -- IRL
Do you know my friend Maria Popova? If you like to think, to be inspired, to use your imagination, to learn about poets, authors,...
What is suffering?
In Buddhism, there are four noble truths. They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of...