For shame
I’ve been thinking a lot about shame this week. Why do we shame each other? Why do people in power (parents, bosses, officials) shame...
Going through a phase
Look up in the sky tonight and you will see the full moon waning. As the predominant earthly satellite, humankind has long observed the...
Let us cultivate our garden
I just read Candide (don’t ask why). Voltaire’s novella was first published in 1759 and it’s one of those books that I think I’ve read...
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Opening up space
Revising a post from four years ago . . . The admonition to be here now  was made famous in the West by Ram Dass  with the release of...
a reverie on interdependence
I only noticed the milkweed today. I’ve walked on this path for decades. The path follows alongside a pond before it meanders into the...
One of the most beautiful October sights in New England is the trees changing color. People travel long distances to witness nature’s...
When nothing is the right choice
It's been a busy weekend. Lovely. Lots of help with a home project from family, and it's so good to see the progress. A last-minute...
Appreciate the joy in your life
This week, I return to a reflection from four years ago when I was intercepted by this lovely poem.* I'd like to invite you to put aside...
Being is becoming
Remember the adage about your thoughts becoming your destiny? Often attributed to Lao Tzu, it goes Watch your thoughts, they become your...