May you live in interesting times
May you live in interesting times -- so goes the curse or blessing. Regardless of your spin on it, we certainly do. Robert F. Kennedy...
A little perspective
Depending on what you use for a news source, your opinion may differ from others you know. Herewith, a list of numbers for you to...
Spend more time looking within
The phrase "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" has been on my mind these last few days. It's from a Bible story. NOTE: I am...
What's working?
What's working? It's time to take a pause and ask yourself what's working. We are in the middle of a notable four months in world...
Pay closer attention
I’ve lived here since 1957, more or less my whole life, first on one side of town, then the other. I left at the usual time, explored the...
Today, I rested
Today, I rested. You should rest, too. We are in busy times. Our bodies are marching, our eyes are reading and seeing, our mouths are...
Walking in someone else's shoes
In 1895, a Michigan poet, preacher, suffragist, and temperance reformer named Mary T. Lathrap wrote a poem called "Judge Softly." In...
Shine your light bright
I have often said that darkness does not exist unto itself; it is merely the absence of light. Light is always there; truth is always...
Begin again
Every time I turn the calendar to a new month, I have an eager sensation of starting anew. It's not my first June but it's a new June, a...
Help wanted. Inquire within.
For Memorial Day, I am taking a holiday, so I went back and adapted an email from 10/1/2018, as apt now as ever: From time to time, we...