Where is the edge?
Where is the edge between joy and sorrow? Life often looks and feels very concrete but it is not. In a moment -- a moment! --...
What is remembering for?
What is remembering for? Today -- according to Logan's General Order #11 of May, 5, 1868, -- we decorate the graves of the the women and...
Where is the center of the universe?
Roy I. Wilson wrote in his book Medicine Wheels: "How far west can you go before you run out of West? ...No matter how far west you may...
What do you think happens when we die?
Recently, Stephen Colbert interviewed Keanu Reeves and asked him, "What do you think happens when we die?" I have not seen the whole...
Have you fallen for perfectionism?
Anne Lamott said this: Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your...
What's new?
In the beginning of the year, I wrote that I have so many questions. So, all of my posts this year are questions. Some are moral, some...
Do you feel better after you vent?
There's a reason my teakettle whistles. That little vent on the spout is a necessity that keeps my kettle from melting and my kitchen...
What is fun?
For years I had a Post-It note on my wall that said in my own handwriting, "Have fun! What is fun?" Recently someone I'm working with...
Experiencing a setback? Count your blessings.
Success, settling, setbacks, seeking, and success again. Rinse, repeat. And repeat. And repeat. This cycle is one of life's perpetual...
How do you be?
No, that's not bad grammar. I'm not asking how you are. I am asking how you -- that is, in what manner do you choose to -- be. Be. It...