How much is enough?
How do you know when it's "enough"? Enough lying? Enough BS? Enough incompetence? When is it enough? How much truth is enough? How much...

It's as easy as yes or no, isn't it?
We humans like to see things in simple terms: Is the answer yes or no? Black or white? How can their be any question? Murder is wrong....

Do you listen when you speak?
Words matter. If you didn't think that before the rise of social media, you should now. Can you remember something someone said to you...

Can you cultivate compassion?
One of the things that so fascinates me is that we are always learning new things; yet we often think we have finally arrived at the...

Can you believe what you see?
Last week I talked about WYSIATI or What You See Is All There Is -- a notion of Daniel Kahnemann's presented in his brilliant "Thinking,...

How do you know what you don't know?
There is so much you -- I -- don't know. The sum total of every single thing I can possibly say I know is nothing -- I can't even...

Musing: Can you really waste time?
Think about all the assumptions begged by the question. How do you value or evaluate time? How do you value/evaluate your time -- your...

What if you'd been born differently? Would you still be you?
Who would you be if you were born in another body? Would you be you if you were born to different parents? ...the same parents but at a...

How comfortable are you with being unheard?
12,000 comments. Really? That's the number of comments I saw on an article online that I was reading. Maybe I misread. Maybe it was...

I have a question...several, in fact.
I have a question. Actually, I have a lot of questions, and I have decided to ask them. To write them down and think about them. To that...