The more things change...
One of the constant themes in our household is wondering how people did things, built things, discovered things back in the day. Do you...

Seeing more clearly, without judgment or delusion
Still reading Why Buddhism Is True, by Robert Wright. And there's lots to think about. In Chapter 5, he states "The Buddha believed that...

What is true? Really true....?
In Why Buddhism Is True, Robert Wright posits that "one of the things that's most lacking in the world is not emotional empathy, it's...

No one is rejected
The labyrinth I mentioned last week is done. It's at NCC in Norwalk. If you're in the neighborhood, I suggest you go there and walk it....

Le'go my ego!
Some musings on the ego. So, this weekend, I moved into a new demographic known as senior citizen. No longer will I check the 50-64 box....

Sometimes you don't get a do-over
In my life (and it's taken a very long time), I've finally learned that there are some times when you just don't get a do-over. This...

The messiness of magnificence
I spent half an hour this morning sweeping acorns off our deck and patio. Just like I did yesterday. And the day before that, and so on....

Living with compassion for oneself and others
Two super hurricanes in three weeks have brought out the best in people. Strangers helping stranded neighbors. People opening their homes...

What's a five-letter word for pitch?
What's a five-letter word for pitch? Throw? Black? Tone? No, that's four letters. Sound? Resin would work. Maybe erect as in pitch a...

It's the little things ...or the importance of rituals
I went to a bridal shower this past weekend, and in a conversation with an 11-year-old soon-to-be niece of the bride I found myself...