Things Jimi taught me, or how to find your patch of sunshine
On a sunny day, our cat Jimi will find that temporary, sunny, warm spot no matter how small. Lately, in the mornings, he will quietly...
Let's return to the breath
Let's return to the breath. In the midst of the frenzied busy-ness of life these days, I feel like we all may need this reminder now....
#pocketpoem -- Do you know about this?
Regular readers know that I love poetry. And you may also know that April is National Poetry Month. But do you know about #pocketpoem?...
Hidden from view
I am reminded by springtime how much is hidden from view. Buds emerge on the branches, shoots poke up through the dirt. Suddenly birds...
The more things change, the more you need to know
Change can come in all sorts of guises and layers. Sometimes it comes from within: I want to quit smoking; I want to learn Spanish....
Shades of my father
This week, I had the sublimely intriguing task of transcribing a short journal of my father's. In 1952, he was a 28-year-old veteran,...
Random thoughts
Do you know about random acts of kindness? I guess everyone knows what that means, but did you know it's a "thing"? A big thing. I...
Hyperbole is the best thing ever!
We live in hyperbolic times. It's everywhere. Politics immediately comes to mind: the GREATEST wall you have EVER seen; the WORST...
St. Patrick's Day and Daylight Saving Time
St. Patrick was a slave. You knew, right? He was British, captured by Irish pirates when he was 14 in the early 400s, taken back to...
Feeling the burn...or burned out?
Readers of a certain age likely remember Jane Fonda urging us to "feel the burn." In a famous workout tape (that word alone should give...