Re-member. Dis-cover. Com-passion.
Language is a living thing, and like waking up in the morning, it’s easy to take for granted. And just like waking up in the morning,...

Why let go?
Today I practiced letting go, and it made me think about why I recommend this practice for your mental health and wellness. And, that...

A pause for poetry . . .
This is the time of year that I volunteer at Camp AmeriKids (click here to learn more). I've been doing this for 16 or 17, or maybe this...

this too shall pass; just not right now
My friend is dying; my friend is living. I can't stop the wild overgrowth of cancer, spreading out over, under and through various...

Going through a phase
Revisiting a post from 10 years ago: Look up in the sky tonight and you will see a waxing half moon. As the predominant earthly...

Now, shift into neutral and glide
Winter solstice arrives here in Connecticut on Tuesday just before 11:00 a.m. just as the summer solstice arrives in the southern...

Following the number 5 down a rabbit hole
Three weeks left in 2020 when the first fifth of the 20th century comes to an end, and all week, I've been thinking about the Vitruvian...

Being present
I find I'm having a hard time staying on task lately. I'm sure it's a combination of our collective malaise due to the pandemic and...

You are a journeyman
Be reliable, be steady, be experienced at your life.

Rest to regain your resolve
This year! What else can go wrong? Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg's death brought many condolences and hopes that she may rest in peace....