Can you believe what you see?
Last week I talked about WYSIATI or What You See Is All There Is -- a notion of Daniel Kahnemann's presented in his brilliant "Thinking,...

What if you'd been born differently? Would you still be you?
Who would you be if you were born in another body? Would you be you if you were born to different parents? ...the same parents but at a...

How comfortable are you with being unheard?
12,000 comments. Really? That's the number of comments I saw on an article online that I was reading. Maybe I misread. Maybe it was...

I have a question...several, in fact.
I have a question. Actually, I have a lot of questions, and I have decided to ask them. To write them down and think about them. To that...

Now and then
This week, once again, it is time to turn the calendar and as we leave a year behind, we turn our attention, our hopes, our...

You could be swinging from a star
I was going to call this "Holiday Interrupted" because that's what my last week was -- interrupted. Thanksgiving was not what I planned....

Help wanted; inquire within.
From time to time, we all need help. It might be help with homework, help managing an intimately personal challenge, or help...

The grace of community
Where do you find your community? Maybe it's your friends from work. Your church group. Your family. Community is everywhere. Could be a...

Think small
Someone recently told me she wanted to learn to meditate but it seemed like such a daunting task. The truth is that I'm not the sort of...

Recharging your batteries
"My phone is dead." "My laptop is out of juice." Tablets, phones...whatever device you use, a time comes when it runs out of power and...