this too shall pass; just not right now
My friend is dying; my friend is living. I can't stop the wild overgrowth of cancer, spreading out over, under and through various...

Let kindness be your shadow
I know. This is taking such a long time...this Covid-19. Summer's almost over but what kind of summer was it? School is starting soon and...

Strive toward kindness
I see a natural balance to things. So much so, that I’m waiting for it to be named the fifth fundamental force of physics added to...

Would you be an angel?
Has anyone ever prefaced a request with the phrase, "Would you be an angel and..."? Or maybe you've heard "Would you be so kind as...

In a world where you can be anything, be kind
I'm home from my annual summer camp. One of my favorite experiences is when campers and counselors send each other messages of...

Hidden from view
I am reminded by springtime how much is hidden from view. Buds emerge on the branches, shoots poke up through the dirt. Suddenly birds...

Thank you, Donald J Trump
For me, as for many others, this presidential campaign has been the most upsetting and distressing in a lifetime thanks to Donald Trump....