Be attentive

I ran into an old friend this past weekend, and she asked me how everyone was. In my case, that answer encompasses a lot of people: six siblings plus partners, one husband, four children, one son-in-law, seven nieces/nephews (plus, plus), two grandchildren, cousins and in-laws. I've probably forgotten someone. Sorry.
The thing that was remarkable is my answer. Everyone's good.
That's a moment to note. With all those people, someone's always up and someone's always down. But just for a moment, everyone is good. No one is down. And so I remind myself to take joy and solace that my life -- on this day, at this time -- is uneventful. There is no particularly bad news to report.
This is not something to overlook. I am not waiting for a shoe to drop. I am not anticipating a change. I am not looking over my shoulder. Indeed, I am being attentive to the blessing of nothing going on. I am attentive to the serenity and calmness of a nothing's-happening moment.
I gratefully embrace this quiet rainy day. I happily get my laundry done, sort out my bills, clean another little corner of my cellar. I have no worry, concern or fear for my or my family's well-being. Not at this moment.
I am attending to nothing. And it is holding all of my attention. And it feels good. Now.
I wish you many happy times in the week ahead where you come right to your center and notice you are experiencing a sacred moment of nothing-happening. And you breathe in that wonderful space.