What's new?

In the beginning of the year, I wrote that I have so many questions. So, all of my posts this year are questions. Some are moral, some philosophical, and some are just because I'm simply curious. With spring springing violently, silently, and sublimely here where I live, I see newness everywhere I turn. And newness makes me curious. So, here are some questions to address the curiosity side of things. To wit:
Do you know how important honey bees are?
Did you hear about this adorably cute crab that THEY just discovered?
Have you heard that ancient Peruvians brewed beer from pepper berries?
Our current physics might need to be rewritten.
Just to remind you that everything was new once, here's a list of things we once thought was really cool but, now...maybe not so much.
And in case you feel like I haven't asked enough questions, just explore here for the rest of the week.
Questions. What is life without questions? Ask them. Answer them, revise your answers, and keep on asking more. Don't stop asking questions.
Have a wonderful week.