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Lesson (re-)learned

I ran out of time today. So, I looked back and found a post from a few years back that I've updated for you.


I will never be done. With anything. There is always more to learn. Even the lessons I think I've already learned need to be relearned. And I need to remind myself that that's okay. Being reminded of something, a lesson you think you've already learned, isn't a glitch in the system. It IS the system. It's life. The key to living a happy life is knowing that you are always learning, even when you are re-learning.


This week, I relearned a few things.

  • I'm not responsible for everyone in my life.

  • It's okay to disagree.

  • Beautiful weather really can do wonders for lifting a mood (although sometimes it can do the opposite).

  • A minuscule number of people on Earth know who I am. The rest of the 8 billion do not.

  • The prior bit of information is true for 8 billion humans.

  • Some people love me.

  • The prior bit of information is true for 8 billion humans.

  • Minuscule is spelled minus-cule not mini-scule. (This is one I repeatedly have to learn!)

  • Children are a miracle, and a reminder at every stage of our life of who we are and can be.

  • Anger and worry hurt, and they are usually not productive, at least not in a positive way.

  • Movement -- as much as you can manage in your life -- is good for your health, all kinds of health.

  • Appreciation is grace.

  • ou have a choice. Choose consciously.


As Carl Jung said, “The reason why consciousness exists, and why there is an urge to widen and deepen it, is very simple: without consciousness things go less well. Well, well, indeed! There's a thought! Sit with that one for a few moments. Clearly, there is so much more to say, to learn. But, for now, I have completed this week. On to the next. For me. And for you.


I wish you peace, wisdom, learning and re-learning, and much love in the week ahead.





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